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The formulating of group standard for "Skateboard" was launched in Beijing

Source:China Sport ShowRelease time:08-Apr-2018Clicks: 140

On December 5, China Roller Skating Association and China Sporting Goods Federation jointly organized the meeting for the establishment of group standard for "Skateboard" in Beijing with 12 representatives from the China’s skateboarding industry attending the meeting.

The main content of this meeting is to study and develop the group standard for skateboard. At the meeting, business representatives and technical representatives of the association launched discussion with a responsible attitude and rigorous work style. The representatives actively put forward their own views. After a whole day of discussion, all the delegates reached a consensus to form the standard.

Skateboarding is popular among young people in various parts of China. At present, the skateboard has been listed as the official sport of 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games with a total of 4 competitions-the male and female blocks and men and women parks (bowls). Relying on the development opportunities brought by the skateboard into Olympics, it is urgent to further promote and standardize the development of skateboard and set up the group standard for skateboard.

The standard is set up from the perspective of protecting consumer safety which connects the test methods with International standards, aiming to ensure the quality and product safety of skateboards. The group standard for "Skateboard" will be conducive to popularizing skateboarding for fitness, improving the competition level of skateboarding and accelerating the development of the skateboard industry.

The standard technical index will be more scientific and reasonable and more feasible. The new standard will improve product quality, promote the healthy development of the industry and provide technical support for China's skateboard products in the international competition. At the same time, the standard symposium will also contribute to the sustainable development of the industry.

It is known that the content and framework of "Skateboard" standard will be managed by Beijing National Sport Certificate Center (NSCC) and the draft is expected to be formulated at the end of December.

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