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China's export container shipping index slips down slightly in May

Source:China Sport ShowRelease time:19-Jun-2022Clicks: 226
Article From:Fibre2Fashion

China's index of export container transport slipped down in May this year, according to the Shanghai Shipping Exchange. The average China containerised freight index (CCFI) decreased by 0.4 per cent month on month (MoM) to 3,117.94 in the period. The sub-reading for the Persian Gulf/Red Sea service led the drop with a MoM decline of 14.1 per cent.
That was followed by the South Africa service, which went down by 5.1 per cent from the previous month.
The sub-reading for the west coast America service, however, rose by 7.2 per cent from that of April, according to an official news agency.
The CCFI tracks spot and contractual freight rates from Chinese container ports for 12 shipping routes across the globe, based on data from 22 international carriers. The index was set at 1,000 on Jan. 1, 1998.

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