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Germany and France imagine a “year of sport” at latest meeting

Source:China Sport ShowRelease time:21-Feb-2023Clicks: 235
Article From:SGI Europe
A Franco-German Council of Ministers celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty in Paris on Jan 22 – a treaty of friendship between France and West Germany, signed by President Charles de Gaulle and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer on Jan 22, 1963 at the Élysée Palace. The recent Council of Ministers was also an occasion to exchange ideas about sports.
Amélie Oudéa-Castéra for France and Nancy Faeser for Germany – sports ministers of the two countries – expressed the desire to “work closely together over the coming years on the implementation” of several sport-related projects, Francs Jeux has reported.
The first project is planned for 2024, a sporting year for both countries. In 2024, Paris will host the Olympic and Paralympic Games while Germany will host the men’s UEFA Euro football championship. The two countries are imagining a “summer of sport” for 2024, highlighting “the expertise and capacity of the Franco-German couple to organize major sporting events that are responsible, inclusive, involve the local population and leave a lasting legacy.”
Building on the experiences of the Paris 2024 Games and the UEFA Euro 2024 in Germany, the second project will seek to establish “common standards for the responsible organization of major sporting events, taking into account the requirements of energy sobriety and ecological transition, as well as human and social rights imperatives, with a view to achieving greater acceptability of major sporting events and a sustainable legacy.”

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