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Report: Golf Equipment Specialty Retail Sales Inch Up in First Quarter

Source:China Sport ShowRelease time:04-May-2024Clicks: 108
Article From:SGB Media 
Golf Datatech (GDT) reported that U.S. market sales for on- and off-course specialty golf equipment grew 1.5 percent in March, pushing the first quarter sales growth up 1.4 percent.
The best-performing category was Wedges, up 14.6 percent for March due partly to a wider range of new products, while Shoes had the biggest decline, down 6 for the month.
“Overall golf equipment sales held up in Q1 of 2024, growing by 1.4 percent versus 2023 and still 38 percent above 2019 levels,” offered Golf Datatech Co-Founder John Krzynowek. “Decent weather helped keep the consumable categories up substantially (Balls +8 percent and Gloves +9 percent), while club sales were relatively level except for Wedges, which saw a lot of new products hit the market, driving demand.”
Compared to the pre-COVID year 2019, first-quarter sales remained at 38.0 percent, and March sales were up 31.5 percent compared to March 2019.
“The U.S. golfer continues to play the game and spend money on equipment,” Krzynowek added. “Recent stock market declines and concerns over assets may negatively impact hard goods in April; however, thru Q1, the business remains strong.”

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