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Survey Finds Americans Exercising Slightly More Amid Lockdown

Source:China Sport ShowRelease time:29-Apr-2020Clicks: 184
Article From:SGB Media

According to a survey from Piplsay, Americans are exercising and using fitness apps slightly more during the lockdown caused by the pandemic.
Asked whether their workout routine has changed under lockdown, 20 percent said it has increased marginally and 19 percent said it has increased significantly. By comparison, 20 percent said it has been reduced significantly and 14 percent said it has been reduced marginally. Twenty-seven percent said it was the same as before.
Asked if they subscribe to any fitness apps/online programs post the lockdown, 67 percent said no, 19 percent said yes and 14 percent said they were a regular subscriber.
Overall, 73 percent of working Americans are staying active while working from home, including 76 percent of men and 70 percent of women participating in the survey. Asked amid the lockdown how are they maintain their physical fitness, 42 percent indicated they are exercising, 32 percent said they are eating healthy and 26 percent were not doing anything about it.
Asked what exercise they are doing at home to keep themselves fit, the top answer was bodyweight exercises, cited 29 percent; followed by treadmill/cycling, 9 percent; yoga/Pilates, 12 percent; jogging indoors, 12 percent; and aerobics/Zumba, 7 percent. Other was cited by 21 percent.
Piplsay polled 24,152 Americans nationwide during the month of April. The full survey is here.

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