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OIA, Outdoor Brands Press For Federal Funding Of Recreation Infrastructure

Source:China Sport ShowRelease time:20-May-2020Clicks: 117
Article From:SGB Media

Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) and more than 60 industry companies sent a letter to congressional leaders urging them to consider the critical role of America’s public lands and outdoor recreation in upcoming legislative proposals to aid the nation’s economic recovery.
Specifically, the letter outlines policies that would aid the recovery of the outdoor recreation economy, which supports 7.6 million jobs, thousands of local businesses and an essential economic force representing 2.2 percent of the nation’s GDP.
“The outdoor recreation economy is a force, connecting people to the outdoors and providing jobs in all 50 states. We are doing everything we can to support people across our country who are increasingly turning to the outdoors to support their physical health and mental wellbeing, but we cannot fully recover without help from Congress,” said Lise Aangeenbrug, executive director of Outdoor Industry Association. “Behind the millions of jobs and billions in tax revenue created by the outdoor recreation industry are businesses small and large and their employees, local communities and families that depend on a strong network of public lands. Federal investment in recreation infrastructure is needed now to ensure families, businesses and the great outdoors can all thrive.”
Specifically, the letter urges Congress to do the following:
Pass the Great American Outdoors Act
Streamline permitting
Prioritize active transportation funding
Increase funding and expand the Civilian Conservation Corps
Provide funding to states and local municipalities for building parks, trails and other outdoor recreation amenities
Prioritize policies to reduce carbon emissions
More details about these provisions are outlined in the letter.

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