Trade – preferential tariff scheme between the EU and developing countries (update)
Source:China Sport ShowRelease time:19-Jun-2020Clicks:
Article From:European Commission
About this consultation
Feedback period
11 March 2020 - 15 July 2020 (midnight Brussels time)
Target audience
a) The business sector in the EU and in non-EU countries, including business associations and employers' organisations, companies, SMEs, national and European chambers of commerce – including sector based organisations;
b) NGOs (including environmental NGOs), profit and non-profit organisations, trade unions; consumer organisations;
c) Governmental agencies, ministries, regional authorities and international organisations;
d) Think-tanks, universities, research institutes, consultancies, academia, law firms, which have an interest in the possible review of the legal framework governing the EU GSP;
e) Citizens.
Why we are consulting
The Commission launched a preparatory work in order to support a possible review of the legal framework governing the EU’s Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP). The public consultation results will feed into this work. The objective of the public consultation is to hear the views, experiences and evidence of a wide variety of stakeholders which can provide precious insights to the ongoing reflection on the possible review and complement other analytical methods. The findings of the consultation will be relevant to the preparatory work, including an Impact Assessment on possible policy options.
Responding to the questionnaire
You can contribute to this consultation by filling in the online questionnaire. If you are unable to use the online questionnaire, please contact us using the email address below.
Questionnaires are available in some or all official EU languages. You can submit your responses in any official EU language.
For reasons of transparency, organisations and businesses taking part in public consultations are asked to register in the EU’s Transparency Register.
Respond to the questionnaire
Personal data and privacy statement
The European Union is committed to protecting your personal data and to respecting your privacy. When carrying out public consultations we adhere to the policy on 'protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions', based on Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 on processing of personal data by the EU institutions..
Further information on the protection of your personal data