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Anta Sees Strong Growth For Second Quarter

Source:China Sport ShowRelease time:11-Jul-2021Clicks: 105
Article From:SGB Media

Anta said retail sales, in terms of retail value, of Anta branded products for the second quarter of 2021 recorded 35-to-40 percent positive growth compared to the same period of 2020.
Retail sales for the Fila brand for the second quarter of 2021 recorded 30-to-35 percent positive growth compared to the same period of 2020.
Retail sales performance for all other brands for the second quarter of 2021 recorded 70-to-75  percent positive growth compared to the same period of 2020. Other brands include Descente and Kolon Sport and do not include Amer Sports Corporation under the joint venture of Amer Sports Holding (Cayman) Limited.
In the six months, retail sales grew 35-to-40 percent for Anta branded products, 50-to-55 percent positive growth for the Fila Brand,  and 50-to-55 percent for all other brands.

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