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Bangladesh imposes a two-week lockdown

Source:China Sport ShowRelease time:29-Jul-2021Clicks: 158
Article From:SGI Europe
The Delta variant of Covid-19 has led the government of Bangladesh to impose a nationwide lockdown on the country’s textile and apparel industry, which is the world’s second-largest exporter of these products after China, starting on July 23. It will come on the heels of the Muslim Eid al-Adha holidays, running from July 19 to 23.
According to observers, the issue is complicated by the fact that the lockdown will coincide with a period of the year when Bangladesh exports about 40 percent of its annual textile output. Deliveries of the autumn/winter 2021/22 collections began already around May, posting an increase in exports of around 12 percent since then as compared to a year ago.
The lockdown could lead some of the industry’s clients to shift their orders elsewhere, but there are not many other places to go besides China, where manufacturing costs are higher. While the governments of Cambodia and Thailand have not yet imposed a lockdown on their industries, to our knowledge, bigger exporters such as Vietnam and Indonesia have started to introduce safety restrictions, as we have already reported.

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