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Deloitte: Holiday Retail Sales Expected to Increase 7-9 Percent

Source:China Sport ShowRelease time:23-Sep-2021Clicks: 104
Article From:SGB MEDIA

Holiday retail sales are likely to increase between 7 percent and 9 percent in 2021, according to Deloitte’s annual holiday retail forecast.
Overall, Deloitte’s retail and distribution practice projects that holiday sales will total $1.28 to $1.3 trillion during November to January.
Deloitte also forecasted that e-commerce sales would grow by 11 percent to 15 percent, year-over-year, during the 2021/22 holiday season. This will likely result in e-commerce holiday sales reaching between $210 billion and $218 billion.
“We anticipate strong consumer spending for the upcoming holiday season. As vaccination rates rise and consumers are more comfortable being outside of the home, we are likely to see increased spending on services, including restaurants and travel, while spending on goods will continue to hold steady. A steady decline in the savings rate to pre-pandemic levels will support consumer spending and keep retail sales elevated this season,” said Daniel Bachman, Deloitte’s U.S. economic forecaster. “Further, e-commerce sales will continue to grow as consumers demonstrate an ongoing and steady movement toward buying online across all categories.”
Bachman noted that the 2021 holiday season increase reflected continued growth. Last year’s holiday sales came in higher than expected, growing by 5.8 percent. The 2021 forecast projects a strong growth rate amid already elevated retail sales and growth in disposable personal income that is likely to remain flat heading into the season. However, the Delta variant and ongoing uncertainty brought on by the pandemic could drive increased spending.
“Across channels, retailers should expect a strong holiday season as consumer spending levels are projected to remain high,” said Rod Sides, vice chairman, Deloitte LLP and U.S. retail and distribution sector leader. “While consumer concerns about health and safety have eased since the last holiday season, pandemic-influenced shopping behaviors continue to gain traction. Retailers who remain resilient to shifting consumer behaviors and offer convenient options for online and in-store shopping, as well as order fulfillment, will be poised for growth this holiday season, and into the new year.”

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