Mr. XuZhihua, CEO of Peak, says that the new designed 7th generation stores have debuted in some places and there will be about one thousand stores finishing image update until the end of 2013.
The 7th generation store applies internationalized design and covers at least 100 m2, putting basketball at the core and showing specialization and serialization, with better visual impact and buying experience.
Mr. XuZhihua indicates:” in fact we set out to deal with the market change from last year. Though optimizing channels, increasing profit of each store, investing more into design and research and other measures, we want to revive at first during industry fatigue period in the next 2-3 years by improving reaction and flexibility of the ends.”
It was reported that the number of Peak store decreased by around one thousand during the first three seasons. Mr. XuZhihua comments:” media is sensitive to closed stores but it is an optimized process from the view of industry. ”
Mr. XuZhihua thinks that the need of Peak internationalization can’t be met by current business area or image.
Zhu Qinghua, researcher from CIConsulting light industry, says that store reformation is a smart selection. “Many brands stores are lack of collection style on exhibition, due to ambiguous positioning in the early days.” Mr. Zhu Qinghua continues, “And then many stores don’t change image and show only on sale information, which leads to consumers’ visual exhaustion.”
“Integrating store resource and improving single store profit are our ultimate purposes.” Mr. XuZhihua concludes, “Construction adjustment and optimized channels are measures responsible for distributors, so they can invest more into profitable stores.”
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