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【Domestic Information】Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development Guaranteeing Establishment of Sports Facilities

Source:China Sport ShowRelease time:30-Oct-2015Clicks:

  In 2012, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development further improved the planning and management of public sports facilities and strictly administered the use of sports land. During the overall urban planning, the layout of large stadiums had been enhanced in accordance with the “National Fitness Program” and concerning standards. The planning of squares, parks and green spaces had been supported, so as to organize varied fitness-building activities. The layout of small and medium-sized stadiums had been strengthened during the planning of new urban areas; more fitness venues especially those for youth and senior people had been established among residential areas.

  Meanwhile, the formulation of standards for sports facilities had been accelerated, such as construction land indexes for urban community sports facilities and sports training bases, the “Technical Regulations for Sports Facilities at Primary and Secondary Schools”, etc.

  Moreover, the construction of urban green space systems had been constantly enhanced.Proper quantity ofgreen spaces with reasonable layout was constructed, including parks, fitness corners, bicycle paths and barrier-free facilities, etc.

  In 2013, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will continue to request municipal governments to coordinate infrastructure and public service facilities including sports lands while formulating overall urban planning, and to strictly implement the hierarchical setup of sports facilities while formulating detailed planning. The standardization of sports facilities construction will be further enhanced and accelerated.

  The service capabilities of sports facilities will be further improved. More outdoor sports facilities will be built in parks, squares and green spaces; more public parks invested by governments will reduce or remit their ticket charges, and adjust their free opening time; the routine maintenance of facilities in parks including sports facilities will be inspected.

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