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【Domestic Information】The State Council of China Ratifies Swimming, Diving and Rock Climbing as High-risk Sports

Source:China Sport ShowRelease time:30-Oct-2015Clicks: 223

  General Administration of Sport of China, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, State Administration for Industry & Commerce, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and State Administration of Work Safety jointly release the bulletin, which tells that with the ratification of the State Council of China, swimming, skiing (including alpine skiing, freestyle skiing and snowboarding), diving and rock climbing are listed as the first high-risk sports.

  The bulletin requires that those units which manage these high-risk sports should put up the bulletin in a conspicuous place of their business sites to give consumers a notice. Within 6 months after the publication of the bulletin, they should obtain the related permissions.

  Meanwhile, the bulletin warns consumers that they should improve self-protection awareness, know the characteristics of high-risk sports and accept the guidance from field officers.

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