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[face to face]Ms. Zhang Lulu- Government policy lead sportswear industry to way of revival

Source:China Sport ShowRelease time:29-Oct-2015Clicks: 229

  Ms. Zhang Lulu, manager of sportswear and leisure appeal zone and ballgames equipment zone, believes that the newly released government policy on encouraging development of sports industry and sports consumption will lead sportswear industry out of lows.

  Sporting goods production is the supporting industry of Fujian Province and sportswear accounts a large share. A lot of local companies came back to China Sport Show after years of absence due to cost. Quite a few companies will release new products using this platform.

  These years, a lot of sportswear manufacturers reformed their production line to leisure apparel and got a good turnover. The new policy encouraged them to pick up their old categories while keeping the leisure apparels. These exhibitors might plan divide their booth into two parts, which will give an extra attraction to the exhibition.

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