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Survey: One-Third Of Gym-Goers Say They Have Not Returned To The Gym

Source:China Sport ShowRelease time:15-Sep-2022Clicks: 215
Article From:SGB Media

UpSwell Marketing’s recent fitness consumer survey* found that while 50 percent of respondents returned to the gym within nine months of COVID restrictions lifting, nearly one-third, 27.7 percent, said they have not returned, and 31.2 percent are working out less in 2022.
Of those respondents who have not returned to the gym, 26.9 percent said they do not have plans to return.
According to Eric Goodstadt, CEO, UpSwell Marketing, “Many gym owners are still struggling to recover from the expenses brought on by the pandemic. On top of that, gyms face many new operating challenges within the fitness industry and more competition than before the pandemic. By understanding what would motivate customers to rejoin a gym and the deciding factors affecting those decisions, gyms will see a bigger surge in attendance and new memberships.”
The survey showed that those respondents who have not rejoined a gym are motivated by steep pricing promotions, 31.6 percent, extra safety precautions and enhanced cleaning, 11.1 percent. Offering childcare, classes and vaccine or mask mandates was not as motivating. 
The most important factor when deciding to return to the gym included convenience of location, 60.7 percent, new member pricing, 44.0 percent, and the type of equipment offered, 39.8 percent.
Respondents also value the services and benefits of joining one gym over another, including:
The ability to bring guests and workout buddies regularly as part of membership;
Membership flexibility with the option to pause or put a membership on hold;
Member price discounts, including joining for $1 or no fees for three months.
Enhanced locker room facilities, including whirlpools, towel service and grooming products.
Two-thirds of respondents who have not rejoined a gym said they plan to return.

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