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IHRSA’s 40th Annual International Convention & Trade Show Goes Hybrid

Source:China Sport ShowRelease time:24-Sep-2021Clicks: 219
Article From:SGB MEDIA

In light of continued challenging travel restrictions, the 40th Annual IHRSA International Convention & Trade Show (IHRSA 2021) to be held in Dallas, TX from October 13 to 15 will offer both in-person and virtual programming.
The hybrid program, which has been in the works for some time, is for anyone who is not able to attend the event in person.
Liz Clark, IHRSA’s CEO, commented, “We are excited to reinforce IHRSA 2021 by offering a hybrid option this October. For anybody not able to travel, IHRSA will offer both an in-person and virtual program so that our global community of members can connect for three days of knowledge-sharing, education and intensive networking.”

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